How Blood Sugar Levels Affect Weight Gain


Weight gain is epidemic in the South Africa, with over 70% of women being overweight or obese (this is the highest in Africa). Even more frightening is that 13% of our children are overweight or obese (this is more than double the world average!).1 Being overweight increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and dementia, respiratory problems, osteoarthritis and depression.2 The cost is enormous, not only in rands but also in pain and suffering. Continue reading “How Blood Sugar Levels Affect Weight Gain”

Cancer – Part 1

Cancer Part 1 – Natural Strategies for Preventing Cancer

CANCER – just the word is enough to frighten us but did you know –

Cancer is thought by some scientists to be a “man-made” disease,1 brought about almost entirely by environmental factors and lifestyle choices. So, by making simple lifestyle changes, we can reduce our chances of ever getting cancer! Just as important, if one has cancer, these same lifestyle choices will help increase the chances of recovery. Continue reading “Cancer – Part 1”