Understanding Nutrition – Part 1

Chronic diseases (also known as non-communicable diseases or NCDs) are killing more people annually than any other cause. In fact, if we look at the chart below we can see that NDCs (cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, dementia, diabetes, etc.) killed 38 million people out of a total of 53 million in 2017 (the latest year for which I can find accurate data). That’s over 70% of all deaths!

Continue reading “Understanding Nutrition – Part 1”

New Research Shows That Genes Do Not Necessarily Control Our Susceptibility To Disease.


Our genes control us! That’s what many people believe, including actress Angelina Joli, who had her breasts removed because she was told that she was genetically predisposed to breast cancer! It’s long been the predominant theory in the medical profession, but now all that’s changing. Continue reading “New Research Shows That Genes Do Not Necessarily Control Our Susceptibility To Disease.”

Dealing With Depression Without Medication

We all know someone who suffers from depression or have been depressed ourselves. The problem comes in when we can’t get over the depression and it becomes chronic.

 The World Health Organisation estimates that depression affects 300 million people worldwide.1 According to Mental Health UK, 1 in 6 adults experiences anxiety or depression and 1 in 5 adults has considered suicide at some point.2 In the US it is estimated that over 12% of the population uses antidepressants.3 Depression affects more women than men. In one study, in older people, it is thought to affect ±70% of older people in some countries.4 Continue reading “Dealing With Depression Without Medication”

Mother’s diet influences baby’s brain and immune system development in the womb and beyond.

Just how important a pregnant woman’s diet is has been dramatically highlighted in the last few years. A number of studies have shown that the baby’s DNA, immune system, future intelligence and even muscle strength are all influenced by what mom eats during pregnancy. It’s becoming all too clear that the future health of the next generation will be determined by the lifestyle choices of women today. In this article we’ll look at a number of recent studies and how women can use the findings to ensure that their babies get the best possible start in life. Continue reading “Mother’s diet influences baby’s brain and immune system development in the womb and beyond.”