According to a number of recent studies, chronic inflammation is killing us faster than any other cause. It is an underlying cause of all chronic diseases, such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Continue reading “Chronic Inflammation Is Killing Us”
Alzheimer’s and dementia – diet cuts the risk!
Alzheimer’s and dementia – diet cuts the risk more than genes! A new study1 just published in the British Medical Journal shows that changing one’s diet from bad to good will cut the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia by an amazing 9 times! This incredible reduction applies even if you have inherited genes that predispose you to mental decline. Continue reading “Alzheimer’s and dementia – diet cuts the risk!”
Nutrition For Anxious Children
The current pandemic is having a profound effect on our children’s mental well being. Continue reading “Nutrition For Anxious Children”
High fructose consumption causes liver damage and increases risk of heart disease, putting youngsters at risk.
Studies have shown that fructose, commonly found in soft drinks and processed foods can cause serious liver damage and increase the risk of heart disease. This raises concerns for millions of youngsters who consume soft drinks daily, along with processed and packaged foods. Continue reading “High fructose consumption causes liver damage and increases risk of heart disease, putting youngsters at risk.”
Mother’s diet influences baby’s brain and immune system development in the womb and beyond.
Just how important a pregnant woman’s diet is has been dramatically highlighted in the last few years. A number of studies have shown that the baby’s DNA, immune system, future intelligence and even muscle strength are all influenced by what mom eats during pregnancy. It’s becoming all too clear that the future health of the next generation will be determined by the lifestyle choices of women today. In this article we’ll look at a number of recent studies and how women can use the findings to ensure that their babies get the best possible start in life. Continue reading “Mother’s diet influences baby’s brain and immune system development in the womb and beyond.”
Heart Disease – Part 1
The Great Cholesterol Scam
The world’s biggest killer, according to all the world’s major health authorities, is heart disease (HD). The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that in 2012 HD accounted for 3 out of every 10 deaths worldwide1. Put another way, almost 1 out of every 3 people will die from HD. Continue reading “Heart Disease – Part 1”